Health professionals

DECIDE work with health professionals
We have developed presentation strategies for clinicians in general. These presentations have the common feature that they are based in a systematic review of the relevant evidence using the GRADE system and that present the information in layers. The rationale for this is that users have different needs depending on the context and that the most relevant information should be quickly available first. We have produced a novel strategy for the layered presentation of recommendations to clinicians that can be implemented already in clinical guidelines. We have also produced a shared decision making prototype that will soon be available to semi automatically develop generic decision aids from guidelines. Finally, both for guideline users and developers, we have developed frameworks to develop recommendations. Want more information?  A longer summary of our work with health professionals can be read as a pdf.


1. GRADE Evidence to Decision (EtD) frameworks: A systematic and transparent approach to making well-informed healthcare choices: 1. Introduction. BMJ 2016 Jun 28;353:i2016

2. GRADE Evidence to Decision (EtD) frameworks: 2. Clinical practice guidelines. BMJ 2016 Jun 30;353:i2089

3. GRADE Guidelines: 16. GRADE evidence to decision frameworks for tests in clinical practice and public health. J Clin Epidemiol. 2016 Aug;76:89-98

4. Development of a novel, multilayered presentation format for clinical practice guidelines (

5. Do clinicians understand the size of treatment effects? A randomized survey across 8 countries (

1. A multilayered presentation format for clinical practice guidelines.

2. An Evidence to Decision framework to develop clinical recommendations.

What is happening now?

We, in the context of the GRADE Working Group activities, are going to continue refining the work produced in the DECIDE project.